Saturday, December 13, 2008

Belting for Christmas!

How have I never seen this? Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" makes me want to kill myself, but most people love it. It's annoying as hell, but now when I hear it I'll at least have this stunning visual to attach to it. There are many things to discuss. At first you're like "oh... it's like an old black and white variety show. ok, I guess that's kinda cool." But then you notice the tween backup dancers. And then the three fat black women. And then you see the look in Mariah's eyes as she dances like a twink and thinks she's grooving on Mars in a vat of chocolate pudding. I mean LOOK at that face. 

Tis truly the season. Thanks Mariah and Company. Jackpot. For a special treat, pay close attention at 2:13. After doing the weirdest arm flail ever, she checks her NAILS. Priorities Mariah.

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