Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ashanti singing "Defying Gravity"... WHAT? So rich/who cares/show me now: Click here and FF to 6:00

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween BITCHES!

Dani Spieler did a tryout of her Halloween costume for Friday. WORK IT.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Seahorses. Foreva.

Dani sent me this clip a little while ago and I had to post it. Apparently some guy was on a major acid trip and was sitting in his closet and recorded this. Well some geniuses turned it into an animated short. It gets better and better and better. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


A RICH clip from the new BBC series "Beautiful People"

Skeleton Twink

Ok, he can do the choreography. But everything else about this video is wrong. There's so much to say that I'm not going to point it all out. Just watch and enjoy. RICH. Thanks Matthew for sending this to me.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Click the link above! Brendan sent it and I had to post IMMEDIATELY! So rich. The dress, the set, the voice, the coke drip that MUST be happening down the back of her throat. Camp NATION. Thank you Brendan. Thank you.


The way I see it, a Halloween costume can be two things. Some sort of witty homemade moment where the costume is funny or craft and lasts for one night. Or it's a sexy witch, or spider, or doctor, or cookie, or whatever looks sexy so you can get fucked at the end of the night. Stupid, but I get it. What I do NOT understand, is why someone would drop, oh $80 for one of THESE toolbox costumes that are neither funny nor sexy. Most of these people have to walk around all night long constricted to some ridiculous get up and they look like complete asses. I mean LOOK at their faces. They're eyes are screaming with apologies and insecurity. FUCK THESE CAMPY COSTUMES... although some of them are preeeeety rich. Many thanks to Dani for sending me the "cameltoe" workout bitch, featured below.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Thank You Joey for this treat. This Geisha tells it like it is.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank You Jesus!

So I was walking on 57th street today and my jaw HIT THE FLOOR. I saw an ad for a new show on the FUSE network called Redemption Song. First of all, FUSE is an amazing network. I am forever thankful to them for bringing us Pants-Off Dance-Off hosted by ex-meth addict Jodie Sweeten from Full House. This new show Redemption Song is basically the love child of The Bad Girls Club and American Idol. Sign. Me. Up. 

Below is a commercial for the show, then a preview, and then a little clip from Pants Off, Dance Off. Enjoy.
BTW, this episode is NOT hosted by Stephanie Tanner. Different season I guess.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Extreme Pumpkins

So Dani's been sending me these amazing pumpkins puking and I was inspired to do a little searching on my own. Now I titled this entry "Extreme" because weak bitches may not enjoy the pictures below. However, if you're reading this RICH blog, you're probably not a weak bitch.
The title for this last one was "pumpkin pussy." nice.

Friday, October 17, 2008

New Friends!

Sarah Silverman is a genius... as always.

Google Yo Self

Have you ever done a google image search of yourself? A sampling of the pictures from searching "Connor Gallagher" Ok, that last one actually didn't come up when I typed in my name. I just had to give a quick shout out to cougars because I love them and it kind of puts an exclamation point on this entry, right? Hey Cougs!

An Email

This morning, from Danny Visconti
Subject: BITCH on wheels
Message: ...LITERALLY. I took this pic while driving in Miami. I wish you could see that she's wearing hoop earrings and white flip flops while riding on THAT in early morning traffic. I'd like to thank this bitch and bitches everywhere fofr giving me and all of us nonstop reasons to point and laugh.
Danny sent this email via his blackberry while he was on a van with the cast of King Tut: The Musical as he tours the country. Danny is a dedicated bitch. Many thanks.

So wrong, but so right!

Footloose is a totally unacceptable/perfect musical.  
First up, this school of some sorts gets it sooooooo wrong.
Below, Jake, Andrew, and Co. get it right. Good work, BITCHES.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I should start a new blog JUST for Kristen

Ridiculous as usual. There's lots happening here. On one level they're both in on the joke. But on another level, they just look absurd for thinking it's fun at all. Again, who wrote that cheap sweaty joke of a song. Why is she in a giant dress? Is the concept that she is floating or is it that she has really long legs. Either way, it looks like garbage.

So many questions...

Gold Mine!

Who knew Kristen Chenoweth was chock full of campy moments. I guess that clip where she did a musical number about being a sex-addicted crystal twink was just the icing on the cake. Today's Kristen moment took place at a Pushing Daises press conference. I guess someone asked her about singing and she broke out into song. Sitting down. It's kind of awkward because it is SO long. You think she's going to stop and then you realize... nope. She's still going. If I was out to dinner with her and she did that to me I would donkey punch the shit out of her.

Birdhouse in your SOUL!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? There are so many questions to answer! 1. why have I never seen this clip? 2. Why haven't I ever watched this show? 3. Why does the bird in the beginning look like garbage? 4. Why does this clip feature so many hilarious BITCHES, like Kristen Chenoweth, Ellen Greene, AND Swoozie Kurtz? 5. ExCUSE me, Swoozie Kurtz, what the fuck IS your name? 6. Why do Ellen and Kristen do the campiest harmony ever? 7. Who wrote this? 8. ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAR! This is camp gold.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kritzer is a genius

Leslie Kritzer's SNL Audition:
Click to play

What's campy?

This fierce cougar monkey!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


What? THAT'S the message? If you like a guy, marry him? What?! 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Who ARE they kidding?

This production of "Rent" at Adelphi University looks RICH. It's RENT. COME. ON.

Snorkel in Style

Wow. If you're an extremely fashionable bitch, you might want to consider picking up a pair of these slutty little shoes. Never go another moment without looking fierce again. Thanks Jenny for finding these.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kids rock.

Sometimes. Like below.

Cougar Mixing

Genius for a number of reasons. The cougar is CORRECT. These bitches suck. She hits it on the nose. But she doesn't stop there... she decides to mix/belt her satin yellow tits all over the stage. It's rich. I love it.

Fierce Monkeys

Ooooohhhhh this is RICH. Especially the outfits!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Marla's Favorite

I suppose I should've waited a couple weeks for this gem, but I couldn't resist. My friend Marla hates vomit, so I give it to her every way I can. This pumpkin is a BITCH. Thanks Dani for sending this to me. 

Smoking is NOT ALLOWED.

Check out this Emily Loftiss dopelganger. It's RICH, but if you're a fucking impatient BITCH, go to 1:40. For the record, this is a real bitch. She's been a Delta flight attendant for 10 years. And she's probably making a shitload of money. So while everyone you know is going to acting school and doing Tier S tours of "Shit- The Musical," this bitch has a FREE ride to royalty checks for at least the next ten years. Someone befriend her on a flight so she'll invite us over for endless drinks at her amazing house in Malibu. Thanks Adam for getting on a plane and staying awake to spot this. I would have been SSSed and asleep.

now THIS is a musical I want to see

Ssss that J Allison Janney! And don't bogart that shit! Pass it to Megan Hilty and Stephanie Block, so you can all belt your tits off and we can all go home and do the same! Looks like a best musical front runner if you ask me....and why the FUCK ask anyone else?


Shoshana Bean and Leslie Kritzer belting at each other for an agent, 1999 CCM. Check out Sarah Gettelfinger step-touching in the back.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Crack Bitch!

I don't know who, what, when, where, or WHY! This unbelievable video comes to campnation courtesy of Brendan. Watch the whole thing. It gets RICH. I don't know how I feel about the little girls in the video, but it's still hilarious. And frightening. Enjoy?


Monday, October 6, 2008

Solid Puss!

Solid Gold was the campiest. No one I'm in charge of this fucking blog. I was born while stuff like this was taken completely seriously on television. It's all about pumps, gams, puss, hair, and PURE camp.

You're in MY bathtub!

Tyra Banks is a BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Don't VOTE

This video goes on wayyyyyy too long, but the performances turned in by Michele Trackenberg, Eva Longoria, and Halle Berry are RICH.


Frank Wildhorn with a baby tiger?! Fair. Enough.


Bebe has ALWAYS been campy. I'm not sure which is better, the track suit or the clear plastic bitch hips the track suit is resting on. Thanks Jake for this gem!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Woman arrested... while wearing cow suit.

Thanks RJ and thanks Cincinnati for keeping it RICH.