Thursday, November 20, 2008

Skeleton Twink has a NAME?!

So I love Skeleton Twink, and although he now has a name (Shane Mercado??) and a sensible black tank/bootleg jean combo outfit, I still love him. Someone at The Bonnie Hunt show must have been really REALLY high when they booked him to do the entire dance on a green screen in front of the studio audience, but I love it.

The real question here is WHO THE FUCK watches the Bonnie Hunt show, and where do her producers get off disabling embedding. Excuse me? What purpose does this serve. You get some lady man from the internet to come be on your show, post the clip on youtube, and then not let people embed it? 

FUCK YOU Bonnie Hunt Show. But THANK YOU to Matt and Matthew for sending me this clip the other morning before I got a migraine and started puking my brains out. It brought a sliver of sunshine to a day that pretty much BLEW.

Click here to check out Skelly T. doin his thang.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, shane mercado did NOT benefit from having those close ups of him on nat'l tv... he did a way better job with the choreo when he was naked. and i think maybe due to his new fame he's been able to afford to eat bc he did not look like a skelly anymore! btw, i think dave hull's friend used to date ST.