Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2000 HITS!

Fun times! Since September 1st, Camp Nation has received over 2000 hits. I guess that means I'm not alone in my constant search for camp gold. In honor of this special day, I'd like everyone to go home and take 2000 hits off their pipes, bowls, bongs, and vaporizers. Not only will you feel pretty, special, and skinny, but this website will be that much funnier. If you don't smoke, suck it. And watch this video.

This girl is HILARIOUS. She starts kind of normal, but the more she smokes and the higher she gets, the more ridiculous she becomes. I have NO IDEA why people make complete jackasses of themselves on youtube, but the world is better because of it.

Happy Obama! Happy 2000 Hits! Maybe I should start printing t-shirts.

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