Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Terms of Service MY ASS.

As you can see, it's been two days since my last post. Freakin thought my blog was spam because of all the videos and links, so it marked it as so until I manually requested someone review my account. And then it was locked, until someone, I'm picturing a guy who is NOT campy, had to actually come look at my blog to verify that a real person (and not a computer) was creating it all. The very idea of some random guy coming to my blog is hilarious. I'm sure when he saw the pictures of Paige Davis, Liz Berkley, and that chubby girl crumping, he didn't know what the fuck hit him. Suck it blogger!
So to show blogger who is really the boss, I'm coming back strong with a campy belting French Canadian! CELINE DION!

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