Thanks Jenifer Lewis, for loading this campy ad for your concert, that you clearly put together in your backyard, with numerous "lady-like references" about how you're "TURNING 50!" It's preeeety obvious that you're loosing it, as the boa wrapped around your head kinda gives it away- and your classy song choices push things over the top. However, since this is probably just a taste of what campy things are to come at the real show, I'd still go.
It's official!!! Patti Lupone has been chosen as the secretary of Camp Nation, working under Mayor Elizabeth Berkley. Let's celebrate with a clip: "It focuses on BOBBY!"
Happy St. Patrick's Day ALL! As I sit here, in the middle of the afternoon, SSSSing and drinking delicious beer, I stumbled upon the gem shown below. Njoy.
As you can see, it's been two days since my last post. Freakin thought my blog was spam because of all the videos and links, so it marked it as so until I manually requested someone review my account. And then it was locked, until someone, I'm picturing a guy who is NOT campy, had to actually come look at my blog to verify that a real person (and not a computer) was creating it all. The very idea of some random guy coming to my blog is hilarious. I'm sure when he saw the pictures of Paige Davis, Liz Berkley, and that chubby girl crumping, he didn't know what the fuck hit him. Suck it blogger!
So to show blogger who is really the boss, I'm coming back strong with a campy belting French Canadian! CELINE DION!
"So You Thiiiink You Can Dance" is a campy show, and the contestants are even campier. The audition process is WAY better than stupid American Idol, because the camp-testants come in with their own dances AND music, and Mary Murphy is actually funnier than Paula Abdul. This little gem is from the summer of '06. I remember SSSsing fat Js and watching this clip over and over until my tummy hurt and my eyes were watering. This bitch GIVES it and loves every second of it. Brian Friedman even calls it "a little bit campy." Well said Brain... well said.
At the same time! Two Jessica Simpson videos, sure to make you vomit all over your screen! Thanks Matt, for being sick and finding these videos. You're my heart. Get better bitch.
First of all, I love having more light, but I am PISSED that I missed out on an hour of sleep today. On a fucking Sunday. Who's idea was that?! Why not on a Monday or Tuesday? Screw you, clock!
Now that I got THAT out of the way, please enjoy this video. This bitch fucking GETS it. Are there Youtube awards? Female slut in a leading role for sure. Thanks to Meggie and Eric for the link!
Day 4 of the blog and I couldn't go another minute without a lil Whitney Houston. This bitch needs no explanation... but here's a recent photo to catch you up to her current look:Debra Wilson on MadTV does a BRILLIANT parody of Whitney- and this is probably one of my favorite clips of all time- "Whitney Screws Up The Classics."
Whitney also starred in that CAMPY remake of "Cinderella" for ABC in, like, 1998. The late nineties were hilarious if you ask me. She looks and acts like a magical belting drag queen. There's a video below to prove it!
Hey Everyone! Gosh it's so windy and rainy outside today. Think it's time to light some candles, curl up with my dog, and catch up on some reading...
CAMP NATION "GO TO THIS" ALERT!Tori Spelling will be signing copies of her new book sTORI Telling (clever bitch) at 7pm on Tuesday 3/11 at Borders in the Time Warner Building on Columbus Circle. If you just can't go, don't worry. I will, obviously, be there. If that book cover is any indication, it's going to be campy as hell.
She certainly is! This GIGANTIC ad on the corner of 42nd and 8th has been a favorite of mine for weeks. Paige Davis is BACK, after being fired from Trading Spaces for showing her boobies at Broadway Bares and some sex tapes... or something. I don't know the real story and really don't care. All I know is, the women below are all ALSO named Paige Davis. Can you find the one from the ad above? Good luck!
...Or they wouldn't have put this clip up. Yesterday I featured a still picture of this haircut. Now you get to see it in action. It's hilariously out of place, and Patti lays it on thick. Before I get some homos giving me shit, let me say, I think she's amazing. But it's campy, make no mistake.
If you're in a hurry, just watch the end. "For me! For me! For me!" Njoy.
I broke down and joined the world of blogging. I am very sorry, I apologize, but it just makes sense. I spend a fair amount of time wasting away at my computer looking at campy shit, and it's only fair that I share my findings with the world. In some ways, this blog may justify the time I spend, usually at 3 am, looking at videos of Elizabeth Berkley. Who is Elizabeth Berkley you ask?
Ah, there she is. I love her. She's amazing. I'll prove it, in five pictures or less:
Now WAIT a second. That's not Lizzy Berkley....iiiis it? That's the beauty of this amazing bitch. You never know. What I DO know is that it's a screen shot from an anime film called "Armitage III", starring Elizabeth Berkley and Kiefer Sutherland. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that that's our Liz, as her tits are hanging out. See? Aren't you glad I'm blogging?
The fun doesn't stop there. Elizabeth has been nominated for 4 (count 'em, FOUR) Razzie awards. Elizabeth managed to actually WIN two, for "Worst Actress" and "Worst New Star" in 1995 for "Showgirls." The real kicker is that in 2000, she was nominated for "Worst New Star of the Decade" and "Worst Actress of the Century." Ouch. She gets the last laugh though, check out her resume HERE. Bitch is rolling in it. Maybe she's just duping us all- which would make her the campiest, most hilarious bitch ever. Congrats Liz!
Before I move on, make sure you mark your calendars for a Camp Nation DVR alert. On April 3rd, Bravo will premiere the new reality show "Step It Up & Dance." If the title isn't campy enough, Elizabeth will be co-hosting with Jerry Mitchell. I'm sorry, it sounds genius. Alright, too much chatter. Here are some things that I think are campy:
Gosh, that makes me want to go smoke a fat J. Or take a nap. Well, that's all for today. Come back and visit tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. Here's a video to leave you with. Njoy mofos!
I'm a campy guy with lots of campy friends- and I got tired to sending mass emails full of unbelievable videos and pictures. And so, a blog is born. Suck it.